000336_news@columbia.edu_Sun May 7 03:19:00 1995.msg
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From: ddl@harvard.edu (Dan Lanciani)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: ndis3pkt.386 + Win95
Message-Id: <2641@sun3.IPSWITCH.COM>
Date: 7 May 95 03:19:00 GMT
References: <3nk0fe$orp@apakabar.cc.columbia.edu> <1995Apr30.162621.49256@cc.usu.edu>
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In article <1995Apr30.162621.49256@cc.usu.edu>, jrd@cc.usu.edu (Joe Doupnik) writes:
| In article <3nk0fe$orp@apakabar.cc.columbia.edu>, jch25@columbia.edu (Jack C Huang) writes:
| > Did anybody get this combination to work?
| > Someone said earlier that one can run MS-Kermit TCP/IP with this
| > driver, at least under Win311.
| > I got an error message when trying to load the driver.
If you could try it again and post or send the actual message I might
be able to tell you what's going on.
| > Can't figure out what went wrong.
| >
| > Jack
| >
| > Jack Huang
| > jch25@columbia.edu
| > http://www.cc.columbia.edu/~jch25/
| -----------
| Jack,
| As promised, I brought up the combination of ndis3pkt.386, NDIS 3
| protected mode, Win95. Doesn't work at all here.
Ndis3pkt works fine with the last few Windows 95 releases but it may or
may not work outside this range. Beware that Microsoft changed the
calling convention of the NDIS3 functions (!) from _cdecl to _stdcall
a few releases ago. Current versions of ndis3pkt support both formats
by examining the version number returned by the ndis3 VxD. I'm a bit
skeptical about the reliability of this test, though, because the number
changed by very little between WfWG 3.11 and the first Win95 with the
different calling convention _that I could examine_. There may well
be Win95 versions with the different calling convention that fail my
version check.
Perhaps some of this will be documented in the Win95 DDK, but Microsoft
won't send me a replacement for the copy that never arrived until I
wait umpteen days to be absolutely sure it isn't lost in the mail.
(Oddly, my April dev platform was also lost.) Gripe: If Microsoft
wants to use unreliable shipping mechanisms to save money, they could
at least be prepared to send out replacements without a full extra
month's wait. I mean, gee, I'd be happy to send back any extra copy
if/when it arrives. And if the guaranteed time to ship (or get lost)
is 14 days as they say, why is the mandatory wait one month?
| Ndis3pkt says it cannot
| register for protocol 00c004001 or some such number and that's the end
| of it.
Actually, there isn't a ``for'' in there. It's saying that it can't
register and the error is xxx. If you find the actual number I can
look it up and tell you what's wrong. (Or you can; they are in ndis.h.)
Dan Lanciani